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Nava-Verse Archives #78: Creatures Set 13-2



The following four creatures hail from the planet Foutsbout, located in the Epsilon Octant and being somewhat well–known for having two distinct major biome types that are near–opposites of one another, with two respective humanoid races that are also near–opposites.

Yerkfod: A bizarre animal that is considered a hybrid of mammal and insectoid and which roams the jungle–wetlands that form the more dominant of Foutsbout's two environment types. It can also sometimes be found in or near the crevices that tend to mark the "boundaries" between regions of wetlands/desert, and into which non–Yerkfods seldom venture. Yerkfods stand about four feet tall and have significant girth, giving them a modestly large overall mass. They are omnivores, and while they are not actively hostile to any type of humanoid, travelers are advised to keep their distance from these creatures whenever possible, for attacks based on situational provocation are fairly common. The most readily visible feature of the Yerkfod is the large, gaping mouth at its front and center, which is flanked by a quartet of hook–spiked appendages that are used to grab, pull and scoop things into the mouth proper (the Orpwapper, another inhabitant of Foutsbout, has a nearly identical mechanism, as elaborated upon in its entry). Above this mouth structure are what appears to be a large snout, and is in fact exactly that, and what appear to be two vicious eyes… but are actually mere muscle bulges that have been deliberately patterned to look like eyes, so as to intimidate enemies. The actual eyes of the Yerkfod are found higher up on its body still, along with an additional nose and a small, circular second mouth. The creature thus has two faces, though it should not be mistakenly considered as having two heads, for it possesses only one brain and is, furthermore, cephalothoracic in shape. At the very top of the creature's body is a "crown" of rugged bumps and thorns, which contributes to protecting the brain, and also growing out from near the top is a secondary set of arms that are raised upward by default and are amphiarthrotic (only slightly movable), being unable to reach directly downward. This uppermost portion of the Yerkfod's body has a physiological makeup characteristic of an insectoid and distinct from the mammalian physiology of the rest of its body, this being the reason for the animal's above–mentioned classification as a hybrid.
The other notable features of the Yerkfod's lower, more mammalian bodily portion include sheets of blue fur covering certain areas as well as the creature's primary sets of arms and legs. The lower, primary arms are fully flexible and rotatable, and are notable for their long, curved claw–like fingers that are nearly impossible to snap in two at any point, being sturdier in this regard than any other part of the animal, and can be used to assist in walking.
Yerkfods generally have durability values ranging from 800 to 1,000.

Dinkarisan: By far the more advanced and civilized of Foutsbout's dual humanoid species and the more populous by a slim margin, the Dinkarisans inhabit elevated cities of moderately large scope built above large ponds amidst the jungles and other generally lush areas that comprise "their" "half" of the planet. They are tall, lean and very large overall, with some adults exceeding the seven–foot benchmark in height, and have smooth, blue skin comparable in toughness and texture to a Merthaldu's in addition to antennae–based ears. They are particularly "modest", usually being seen wearing heavy, armor–like suits that cover most of their bodies and have certain variable details for denoting rank and/or role. The Dinkarisans possess great intelligence, consistently placing in the top ten on various lists ranking the on–average–smartest mortal races, and have long been closely associated with the knowledge–devoted Uve Mards and Uve Mard Estate of neighboring planet Qollag, sharing the same love of knowledge and beneficial sciences and collaborating with the Uve Mards on various inventive and research projects. One notable series of technologies released under the banner of the Uve Mard Estate to which Dinkarisans contributed greatly was the set of nonlethal yet practically effective weapon models finished in Age 799, from which two armaments, the Pain Radiator and Burn–Fumer, caught on in spades and continue to be used by law enforcement agencies on several planets. This race can also be thanked in large part for many of the advances in the field of chemical medicine treatment that have occurred over the past few centuries, as well as for various efforts made in the name of natural preservation which have collectively saved several animal species from extinction.
Personality–wise, Dinkarisans have several common "quirks", most of which are considered negative, but in a non–immoral way. They tend to suffer from chronic nervousness more severe than what the average person experiences on a regular basis (though rarely to an extreme degree) and frequent stuttering. Most are very shy, especially in terms of sexuality, which is related to their previously–mentioned bodily modesty; based on what data could be gathered without committing extreme mass–invasions of privacy, the Dinkarisan population is indicated to engage in among the least sexual activity of all intelligent populations. This tendency for excessive abstinence is believed to be the primary factor that keeps the otherwise thriving Dinkarisan race's numbers at fairly standard levels, and it has been hypothesized that, if not for their impotence, they would likely be among the Prime Galaxy's most populous humanoid species. Furthermore, it has also been hypothesized, somewhat more questionably, that this trait might have been put in place as a form of population control for them. In any case, in spite of their social and sexual weakness, Dinkarisans generally maintain full competence where they themselves see it as mattering most: in the productive thinker's workplace.
The durability value range for Dinkarisans is rather low and narrow: 600–700. It should again be noted, however, that they are more often than not equipped with majorly protective gear.

Orpwapper: A segmented, long–bodied arthropod found throughout the harsh, sandstorm–prone deserts that constitute the lesser and more hostile of Foutsbout's two biomes. It is highly carnivorous and will generally attack Janverscamps or other humanoids that cross its path out in the open, but does not pose a threat to those within walled settlements. The Orpwapper's body consists of a series of several connected spherical bulges, at the front of which is the creature's headpiece and at the back of which are its dual, stinger–bearing tails. Each body segment sports a tiny, spike–toed leg on either side, and with all Orpwappers possessing at least a dozen of them, the sheer number of these appendages allows them to collectively, adequately support and carry their owners' bodies despite their tininess. Similar leg setups are found in a handful of other creatures, most of which belong to the insectoid classification; this has led to common misconceptions that the Orpwapper is also an insectoid. Orpwappers' headpieces are perpetually and naturally upright, unlike the rest of their segments, and have three eyes, each situated within separate antenna–like structures, as well as clawed appendages surrounding their mouths; the latter of these traits is shared with the Yerkfod, which is found on the very same planet as the Orpwapper, albeit in different regions. Though the sharing of an unusual, distinctive feature normally exclusive to one creature per planet between two different species on the same world can usually be attributed to limited original gene pools, in the particular case of the Orpwapper and Yerkfod, the trait in question provides distinct benefits to either beast, its inclusion in either of their designs truly "making sense". As for the creature's hindquarters, it, again, consists of two tails of medium length and with large stingers at their ends. The sting of an Orpwapper yields a moderately potent dose of venom which has a high chance of being fatal to Janverscamps, due to their very small size. Whenever either of the creature's stingers is used, it is expended and discarded, only for a new one to regenerate in its place over the next three–to–five days.
Orpwappers are unisexual; any specimen can mate and reproduce with any other specimen besides itself. Their process of mating and reproducing occurs around the Third Cycle of each year and involves depositing a single egg which must be closely guarded by both of its parents for the duration of its pre–hatching development. Young Orpwappers, after emerging from their eggs, grow very quickly and are instinctively impelled and expected to willingly go off on their own within the first cycle of life. If one attempts to continue relying on the protection of its parents for much longer than that, it will be eaten by them.
The "full" lifespan of the Orpwapper is considered to be around twenty years. Specimens vary significantly in size, color scheme and even number of segments, but the "average" durability value for the species in general is held to be 750.

Janverscamp: A race of small humanoids, only marginally larger than Flufewogs, that make their homes in small, walled cities throughout Foutsbout's desert regions. Considered the planet's "secondary" race, the Janverscamps are a simple and savage people, contrasting greatly to their Dinkarisan "neighbors", whose various attempts at "elevating" them to more desirable standards of living have largely been either ignored or met with violence (more commonly the former). Despite both this and their near–constant fighting among themselves and the various groups and tribes that make up their race, however, they have never engaged in warfare–scale aggression against people of any other race without being provoked. Many parties tend to overlook this fact, with the Janverscamps commonly being spoken of as an "evil" race colloquially while they are much closer to neutrality in reality.
Janverscamps have deeply reddish skin, which, in combination with their "Imp"–like form, has led comparisons to be drawn between them and the Shindoke and Grebeth, two forms of lesser demon to which these humanoids bear a superficial resemblance (a resemblance that has exacerbated the tendencies of many people to consider, think of and speak of them as worse than they actually are). Said skin is very tough and resistant to heat. Three sets of ears are present on Janverscamps' heads; each of these pairs is weaker in function than the average, singular sets of ears found on most other races, but the functionality of all three of them combined effectively gives the diminutive desert–dwellers what amounts to incredibly strong hearing. The eyesight provided by their standardly single pair of optical organs, however, is sub–par. Janverscamp durability values generally start around 300 and rarely go above 600. Theoretically, their racial lifespan is surprisingly long, the oldest recorded members of the species having been close to 100 years old, but in practice, very few Janverscamps live to old age due to their dangerous living environments and tendencies of killing one another, and the average age at death is well under half of the technical maximum.
Janverscamps speak a slightly simplified variation of English, with many "redundant" words being omitted and a few "new" ones being unique to their dialect. Despite their frequently odd wordings, savage nature and what is perceived to be a monstrous appearance, though, their actual voices (in terms of tone and accent) are fairly clear and standard, lacking any scraggly qualities that many might expect. While outdoors, nearly all Janverscamps wear bandana–or–handkerchief–like garments over their faces at nearly all times. This was originally an utmost necessity due to sandstorms and the like, but it has since become entrenched as a tradition of what little culture they have and continues to be as prevalent as ever even after new building techniques have lessened the need for face protection within Janverscamp cities. The "bandana" is also arguably the most recognizable "symbol" of the race among other peoples.

Dinkarisan Jitterpelter
Janverscampish Crayer Ambiblade
Janverscampish Horny Bugbarrel

These next four creatures, displayed right of the previous group, are inhabitants of the planet Yorwerad, situated in the central area of the Sigma Octant and having a mild desert environment similar to that of Ergnoplis. Also included is a partial military history of the two humanoid species among these beings.

Nuupeilad: Though being listed here first, this humanoid species should not be mistakenly taken to be the "primary" race of Yorwerad as opposed to its counterpart race, which should not be considered the more "dominant" people either, for both of the two allied races are officially, and accurately, seen as each other's equal. Nuupeilads are of relatively standard size and posture (~5–6 feet), and have predominantly orangish (with some spots of yellow) skin, rather wide/broad craniums and faces, thick, brown hair that is traditionally braided into separated "tufts". In males, there is a noticeable predisposition to growing prominent facial hair, which is considered highly desirable and indicative of both masculinity and general strength within Nuupeilad culture, starting from early ages. The durability value of a typical member of the race at prime age is about 900.
The Nuupeilads are a devout warrior race with an almost fanatical sense of justice, traits that also apply to their Patmurite comrades, but generally to a slightly lesser degree. Being considerably more able to withstand harsh conditions than their counterparts, they voluntarily occupy most of the more barren regions of Yorwerad while allowing the Patmurites to control most of the milder areas, though there is great overlap between the population concentrations of both races. The city of Jarvelin, located at the near–center of the planet's map, has the largest Nuupeilad population and is widely considered, albeit unofficially, to be the race's capital. Due to tradition–based practice, the Nuupeilad species' population as a whole is almost entirely concentrated on Yorwerad, with only a relative few of them living elsewhere, in contrast to the Patmurites who are much more inclined to "spreading out" (see also the latter race's entry, below).
Nuupeilad designs and architectures reflect the desert–ish environments in which most of them live, and throughout the years, they have taken efforts to preserve the dated aesthetic styles established and used by their people's earlier generations while still implementing newer technologies and techniques. In other words, Nuupeilads may look rather primitive from surface appearances, but they are anything but in practice; they deliberately give their in–actuality–high–tech structures, weapons and gadgets "classic" appearances for the sake of tradition. Usefulness is occasionally slightly compromised for the sake of maintaining this aesthetic style, but the opposite (style being compromised somewhat to optimize function) also occurs about as frequently.

On Skellen–Yorweraddin Conflicts:
As a highly–developed and fairly large planet in the Sigma Octant, Yorwerad has long been threatened by the Gorlunian Skellen on a consistently frequent basis, and the history of both its peoples is heavily marked, shaped and arguably even defined in large part, by conflict with them. In addition to many smaller skirmishes, five distinct wars, known as the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Skellen Wars of Yorwerad, have occurred between the Skellen pseudo–empire and the cooperating military forces of both of Yorwerad's races. The First Skellen War of Yorwerad took place over a five–day period in Age 248, and is notable for marking the first of only four total "field appearances" of the Skellen Mothership, which had been upgraded for the second time just prior to the battle. It was also the first of the two occasions on which the mothership was "defeated", the vessel retreating at the end of the brief war after being heavily damaged and the majority of the ships within it destroyed. The next two wars were largely standard, unsuccessful invasion attempts on the Skellen's parts, taking place over longer periods than the first but with being less intense compared to it and not involving the Skellen Mothership.
The Fourth Skellen War of Yorwerad was "the big one" for the Nuupeilads and Patmurites, commencing in late Age 660 and ending at a similar point in Age 664's calendar, ultimately lasting just over four years. It was the longest armed conflict to ever involve either the Skellen or the Yorweraddin peoples, and one of the longest in Nava–Verse history altogether, and though not as intense as some other, shorter wars, its total death toll was upwards of 2,000,000, making it among the deadliest wars in Nava–Verse history as well. The Fourth Skellen War of Yorwerad infamously involved several "false ends", calms during which it looked like the fighting would soon stop, only for it to then suddenly resume in full force with the appearance of another wave of attacking ships, as well as a comparable number of proverbial shiftings of the tide, with the upper hand going back and forth between sides many times. At one point roughly midway through the war's length, circumstances appeared to favor the invaders so strongly that Yorwerad was officially declared a Skellen–controlled territory by the aging Skellord Pink, who would die of natural causes within a year following the conflict's eventual end, only for the Nuupeilad–Patmurite alliance to regain the upper hand within the next cycle's time. The war ultimately ended in a most decidedly indecisive manner, with the Yorweraddin races "winning" by default as the Skellen forces made their final retreat, not due to some disastrous defeat in a climactic battle as tends to mark the final turning points of most wars, but merely due to long–term depletion of resources, manpower and willpower after four years of near–continual attacks against a single planetary front. The decision on Skellen leadership's part that continuing to pursue conquest of Yorwerad would be too costly an endeavor was a highly questionable one in terms of rationality (though no decent people are complaining about it), as the forces of the Nuupeilads and Patmurites were on their last metaphorical legs just as much as, if not even more–so than, the Skellen were at the time of the latter side's cessation of full–blown hostilities.
The fifth and, to date, final major conflict between Yorwerad's dual peoples and the Skellen was waged during Ages 780 and 781… with the Nuupeilads and Patmurites as the aggressors, attempting a full–out invasion of Gorlune in revenge for the Skellen's wrongdoings towards not only their planet and peoples but those of many other races as well. What is officially called the Fifth Skellen War of Yorwerad for consistency's sake but which some have proposed renaming as the "Yorweraddin War of Gorlune" marks the only occasion to date on which a serious, competently–coordinated invasion attempt has been made on the Skellen's homeworld, and preparations for it on the part of aggressors had been secretly underway for many years prior to the assault on Gorlune being launched in earnest. Many different individuals among the leaderships of both the Patmurites and the Nuupeilads are considered to share various parts of the dubious "honor" that is responsibility for proposing and coordinating the still–controversial–in–retrospect war. If one person is to be considered the closest there was to a "single" mastermind behind it, though, that person would have to be the Nuupeilad chancellor Shoda Marrmam, who, while not being the first to propose an invasion of the Skellen's planet, provided instrumental support at almost every further point in planning the operation, and formulated some beneficial tactical decisions as well. Furthermore, it is a known fact that the Skellen's disastrous defeat and the destruction of their mothership at Ergnoplis roughly a quarter–century prior and the weakened – both militarily and psychologically – state their kind was in, and still remains in to this very day, as a result provided great amounts of both encouragement and incentive to the Yorweraddin leaders as they formulated the war plan and made the ultimate decision to go through with it.
During the Fifth Skellen War of Yorwerad, Yorweraddin forces were exceptionally ruthless towards their hated enemies. Dividing themselves into several separate sub–armies, they, over several cycles, consecutively conquered several minor Gorlunian cities on the fringes of the heart of Skellen civilization. Almost all of the Skellen in each of these cities were slaughtered, while only moderate casualties were sustained by Nuupeilad–Patmurite attackers, who subsequently mounted a larger assault on Fibilich, one of the five "major" Skellen cities occupying the designated circle of land, known as the "Outer Ring", that surrounded the Skellen capital, Cartlash. The Siege of Fibilich, as it would come to be known, took place during the middle of the Second Cycle of Age 781, and proved to be the "climax" of not only the specific war it was part of, but of the centuries–long Yorweraddin–Skellen meta–conflict altogether, constituting a fierce battle far more intense than any of those that had occurred while pillaging the lesser Skellen cities. The Yorweraddin side eventually won the battle and successfully occupied what was left of Fibilich at that point, but not before suffering casualties far more severe than those sustained in the previous, smaller battles. Over the tense period entailed by the next several days, it was, with aid from various mathematicians and scientists, projected by Patmurite–Nuupeilad leaders back on Yorwerad that, were they to continue their merciless campaign against the Skellen, the Skellen menace could very well be put to an end once and for all by their efforts, but only if they were willing to sacrifice close to the entireties of both their own populations as well as the foundations of their dual, overlapping civilizations. In other words, it was anticipated that, were the war to continue, mutual destruction of both sides and their races would be the end result. A near–unanimous decision to end the war was made by the leaders of both Yorweraddin races shortly after this was established to be the situation. Their forces withdrew from Gorlune, leaving behind numerous warnings, relayed mainly through the accounts of the few Skellen they left alive in the cities they had conquered, that if the Skellen were ever to disturb their planet again, they would resume their own campaign against them in full force and see it through to the bitter end.
Altogether, roughly 300,000 Patmurites and Nuupeilads in total died as a result of the Fifth Skellen War of Yorwerad, and while the number of Skellen they killed is unknowable, it is generally believed and taught to be significantly higher than the aforementioned number lost in the process of slaying them. The greater total number of Yorweraddins lost across all of their world's battles with the Skellen, meanwhile, is estimated at around 3,500,000. Thus far, the Skellen have heeded the parting warnings of the only people to ever be bold enough to invade their homeworld, though only time will tell if this will continue to be the case. More likely than not, the long–term answer will ultimately depend on whether the Skellen are able to regain their full power and collective composure – that which they possessed prior to the destruction of their mothership at Ergnoplis and lost following that crushing defeat – anytime soon.

Bullywarver: A leathery–skinned flying mammal with a considerably vicious appearance but only a slightly vicious demeanor. The Bullywarver is a larger animal than most, being roughly seven feet in body length/height and having a wingspan of comparable measurements, and dominates much of Yorwerad's undeveloped regions, being at the top of the food chain among the planet's wildlife. The durability value of the average specimen is 1,200. Bullywarvers live alone, and spend more time than not hovering high enough above the ground to be out of the reach of any grounded potential enemies but low enough to have a clear view of the terrain below, and act as both predators and scavengers, killing their own food and eating the remains of already–deceased creatures with more or less equal frequency. When not out in the field, Bullywarvers generally shelter themselves within caves or grottos; they have no permanent "homes", instead merely occupying whichever cavern is presently nearest whenever they need rest, a condition that entails sleeping for several consecutive hours but which occurs only once every several days per individual.
The Bullywarver is most easily identifiable and distinguishable from similar creatures found on various planets by its proportionally massive head, which sports a pair of equally–prominent, point–ended ears, a pair of complexly–structured yet still rather weak eyes, and mouths with many large teeth and dry, cracked lips that are almost constantly parted. The beast's arm–wing setup, meanwhile, is similar to that of the Phiortrask, with the arms being separate limbs originating well below the wings, though this is considered less notable in the Yorweraddin creature's case due to it having a far less humanoid–like overall body shape than the Namyufefian bird. Even though its head is more readily taken note of most of the time due to the universal tendency to fixate one's view of a creature on its head or closest equivalent when initially viewing it, the Bullywarver's lower body is easily its most nonstandard feature of all. Its set of "legs" consists of three synarthrotic, cartilaginous "poles" plus a pair of highly flexible tentacles, the latter of which are positioned in front of the former and are considered more essential to ground locomotion (itself secondary as a whole to flight in the Bullywarver) than the other three supports.
Despite being as ferocious as any predatory creature towards their natural prey, Bullywarvers are hostile neither to Nuupeilads nor to Patmurites, the former of whom have managed to tame the creatures in small numbers and harness these specimens both as traditional war beasts and as trained sentinels used for intimidation. Due to their lack of hostility and greater usefulness as allies, it is generally frowned upon in the overall society of Yorwerad to kill Bullywarvers for resources, though hunting of them, usually by Patmurites, still takes place on occasion.

Patmurite: The second–listed, but by no means secondary, of Yorwerad's dual, allied humanoid peoples. Patmurites are slightly shorter and physically less robust than their Nuupeilad allies, averaging at just below five feet in measurement and with default durability values ranging from 700 to 800. However, they are much closer to the original human form in shape than their already–very–"standard" counterparts, being considered, along with the Vilvamions, to be major candidates for the distinction of being the most human–like humanoid race in the Nava–Verse and priding themselves, sometimes excessively so, on what they have termed their bodies' "paradigm" quality. Them being so "normal" in this sense, there is relatively little to say about these people's physical forms; they have six fingers/toes on each hand/foot, horn–like structures on the upper–backs of their heads, and little else in the way of noticeable protrusions. The Patmurite's coloration, however, is a much different story. The race is known for visually exhibiting, all over their bodies, recurring patterns and markings of the colors red and blue, as well as related shades thereof, that are often opposite and parallel to one another. Though the reason for this, if any, is unknown, the Patmurites have embraced this strange, and possibly incidental, trait of theirs, making blue and red signature colors of their society and people and reflecting the color schemes of their bodily patterns in their clothing and other designs.
As a society, Patmurites are much more outwardly "modern" than Nuupeilads; they are a high–tech race, and they have no problems with making that visibly evident in their designs. They have an almost (non–sexually) fetishistic affinity for leather and other hide–based clothing, as well as for capes and the prominent inclusion of the color green in their clothing patterns alongside red and blue. Most Patmurites live in areas of Yorwerad's geographic layout where climatic conditions are milder compared to other regions of the planet, this being a quasi–necessity due to their lower tolerance for heat and greater need for water compared to the Nuupeilads. The city officially designated as their race's capital, Bermerdesh, is located a moderately long road trip's distance almost directly South of the unofficial Nuupeilad capital, Jarvelin, and a shorter road trip's distance West of the largest known oasis on Yorwerad. Both routes have been fully paved for many years. The Patmurites, unlike the Nuupeilads (for the most part) and especially as of the past two centuries, have made significant and highly fruitful efforts to establish colonies elsewhere in the Prime Galaxy and integrate their kind and society with those of other advanced races. The overall populations of either Yorweraddin race are both very high and believed to be roughly equal in total, but due to the former phenomenon, there are somewhat fewer Patmurites than Nuupeilads living on the planet today, though not by a great enough margin for there to be any sort of "shortage" of the blue–and–red people on their own homeworld.
Patmurites, like Nuupeilads but to a slightly (and only slightly) lesser extent, place great cultural emphasis on justice, specifically its "punishing the wicked" aspect, a value whose development in both races' cases has been reinforced by, and applied in, their many wars fought together against the evil Skellen (see "On Skellen–Yorweraddin Conflicts" under the Nuupeilad's entry, above). They (again, like their counterparts), have a large, constantly readied military, while civilians are heavily encouraged to undergo a lesser form of training so that they are prepared to spring into militia action in emergency cases. The R–Rider Assaulter, a Patmurite–manufactured model of rifle, is by far the most versatile and consequently most abundant of Yorweraddin weapons among both the species responsible for its manufacture and the Nuupeilads, and in recent years it has also seen proliferation among warriors of other races thanks to interplanetary trade. Other, more negative personality tendencies of many Patmurites include overeating and resulting chubbiness (albeit primarily in lazier "types" of civilians, rather than warriors and other more productive members of society), cockiness and minor beliefs of self–supremacy on the "grounds" of their "paradigm" form. However, these questionable beliefs rarely lead to any actual antagonism of others, being far from radical in nature and extent in most cases.

Oddgreader: A six–legged creature, not explicitly belonging to any common animal classification such as mammal, reptile, insectoid, etc., that lives in and around the numerous and scattered caves, oases and small forests that can be found across Yorwerad. It is occasionally hunted by Patmurites for purposes of using certain parts of its hide for clothing and related items, and though it has little relevance to the cultures and history of Yorwerad's people beyond this, its sheer uniqueness alone is enough to make it a notable life form. The Oddgreader is herbivorous and passive by default, but is, unlike most other beings for which the same can be said, highly capable of defending itself. While standing on all of its limbs, which is its default posture, this creature is approximately six feet long and half that length in height, and has a durability value of 700–800. It reproduces asexually and may be found in small packs of up to eight individuals.
Oddgreaders are very… well, odd, hence their lack of a clear classification. Each of their three pairs of legs vary wildly in form from either of the others, but all of them are nonetheless fully functional together as a complete set of limbs, giving the creatures both above–average movement speed and great stability. The different parts of Oddgreaders' bodies have varying and various textures (some of which are, again, highly useful resources, primarily for Patmurites), and they lack traditional heads, possessing tube–like mouths that are their only protrusions of note to come from their mostly flat fronts and having single eyes above the tops of said frontal surfaces. Attached to the back of this eye is a thick cord of solid muscle that extends backward, suspended several inches above the Oddgreader's upper back, for more than half of the creature's body length before reconnecting with the rest of the body near the top of the hump that is its posterior segment. This peculiar structure, often referred to as a "Exocerebral Cord", is essential for circulating important bodily fluids throughout the animal's body and especially to and from its brain, which is internally located just below and in back of its eye, and although successfully severing it will kill an Oddgreader, doing so is a much more difficult feat than it might appear to be. The unique tissue that comprises the Exocerebral Cord is not only exceptionally tough, but is one of the fastest–regenerating bodily tissues to exist in any mortal being, and simply cutting the cord in half at one point is insufficient to "successfully" sever it, for it will begin mending itself within moments and stop the leakage of fluid well before enough of it is lost for the creature to perish. There are, in fact, few forms of injury to an Oddgreader's Exocerebral Cord short of it being ripped out entirely from either end that will actually kill the animal, though, that being said, most significant damages to the structure will leave the creature at least momentarily stunned or disoriented, leaving it more susceptible to further harm in the event that it is being deliberately attacked.
The Oddgreader's main attack mechanism, used only when it is significantly threatened or provoked, consists of spewing slimy, acidic projectiles from its mouth. These projectiles are derived from a compacted compound of the creature's digestive juices and internal mucuses, and thus have a limited, replenishing supply based in the quantity of these substances an Oddgreader has inside, and is willing/able to expel from, its body. Their acidity is relatively weak, and for most humanoids, the projectiles' revulsion factor is greater than their probability to inflict serious physical harm. If they are unable to generate these slimy missiles, or if it is more practically convenient to do so in the current situation, as opposed to using them, aggravated Oddgreaders may also attempt to lunge at or tackle enemies, a technique that seems to be the sole application for the dual, horn–like spikes to the sides of their middle–underbellies.

Nuupeiladdin Condemner Cannon
Patmurite Pitched HeatSkewer
Patmurite R–Rider Assaulter
Nuupeiladdin Fusee Shooter
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Lord-of-All-Monsters's avatar
The ones on the extreme right are my fav of this bunch: especially so the Bullywarver flying bat thing :D